Unlike other rabbits that are bouncing balls of energy…
Your bunny’s the complete opposite.
They love doing nothing all day.
And you can’t separate them from their bed.
So now you might wonder…
“Is this laziness?
And what can I do to get my bunny moving?”
Read on to learn:
- 5 clear signs of a lazy rabbit.
- When you should be alarmed by this behavior.
- 7 easy ways to make your lazy bunny more active.
- And so much more…
Do I have a lazy rabbit? Test it with these 5 signs
#1: They lay around all-day
How does your bunny do their daily activities like eating or grooming?
Usually, active rabbits munch hay or clean themselves while sitting down.
On the other hand…
A lazy bunny will do those things sprawled on the floor or flopped sideways.
They’ll drag themself to reach the hay in their bowl.
And groom their body while lying down.
As if they don’t want to leave the ground, like this cute bunny below:
You may find this kind of behavior endearing…
But it’s actually laziness for our furry friends.
Like other animals, every rabbit has a unique personality.
Some bunnies love moving around. While others prefer lying down like a couch potato.
You’ll observe this trait in certain breeds. Say large ones like Flemish Giants.
Vets say these big rabbits like having a peaceful life. So you’ll often see them stretched out on the floor doing nothing.
However, this is only laziness if your bunny’s healthy. And you don’t notice changes in their habits below:
- Eating.
- Drinking.
- Breathing.
Note: This doesn’t mean your lazy rabbit won’t experience sudden bursts of energy. They simply have less energy than other bunnies. But they’ll still ‘binky’ or do the twisting leap once in a while.
#2: They’re a sleepyhead
Eat, sleep, poop, flop, repeat.
This is the daily routine of a lazy rabbit.
So if they’re not idling on the floor, you’ll also see them taking frequent naps.
“Is it normal for bunnies to sleep a lot?”
On average, rabbits doze for at least 8-10 hours daily.
Studies show they’re ‘crepuscular.’
It means they mainly nap in the daytime.
Meanwhile, they’re the most active during dawn and dusk. So you’ll see most rabbits play or hunt for food in these hours.
“Why’s that?”
Bunnies are prey animals.
Thus for protection, they usually go out of their hiding spots when the light’s low.
It’s an instinct. So even for pet rabbits who mostly stay at home…
This sleeping pattern may still be ingrained in them.
Therefore, they’ll seem sluggish during the daytime.
However, calm and lazy rabbits can nap up to 10-14 hours daily.
As well as if they feel safe and comfortable in their environment.
#3: They’re extra silent
In general, rabbits are quiet animals.
They don’t chirp like birds or bark like dogs.
Instead, bunnies express their needs and feelings through their body.
For instance, they’ll do the following actions:
Some of these create sounds (e.g., thumping, grunting). And you’ll rarely hear them if you have a happy and content bunny.
But sometimes, rabbits may also need alone time.
And they have ‘lazy days’ too.
So if your bunny experiences either of these…
You might see them flop over all day without even making any noise.
This may be their way of telling you they want to rest more. And stay silent for a while.
Now, if your lazy rabbit does this, you don’t have to worry if they have a clean bill of health.
Learn more: 9 Real Reasons Why Rabbits Are So Quiet
#4: They’re often unbothered

Since they always sleep and lie down…
Bunnies may also have a world of their own.
Your lazy rabbit might not care to stand up or sit at all if you call them.
Or, they may not react well to sounds and scents around them if they don’t feel like getting up.
However, the latter’s only possible if your bunny also feels secure in their spot.
Based on a study, rabbits are usually alert and active.
They’re a target of many predators in the wild. So they need to be cautious to survive.
#5: They have less interest in exercise/play
As rabbits age, their energy levels may drop as well.
But if you have a lazy young bunny…
They’ll only move around a little. Hence, they might avoid physical activities.
If this is the case, your rabbit will have short bursts of energy.
Thus, they’ll run and jump for a while.
Then your bunny will llie under a chair or sleep inside their hutch for hours.
Again, this behavior’s OK if your bunny eats and drinks well.
And also if their poop looks the same.
Note: This could also be due to the time of day. I said earlier that rabbits are often active during dusk and dawn. So they may seem lazy during the daytime.
Despite this, your bunny must receive enough exercise (physical and mental) to be healthy.
For this reason, I prepared some tips to help you get your rabbit moving.
Let’s dive right in.
Lazy rabbit: 7 tips to make your bunny more energetic and active
#1: Entice them to exercise
Research says working out the body helps release happy hormones, a.k.a. ‘endorphins.’
So even if you have a lazy bunny…
Encourage them to meet their daily exercise needs.
It’ll keep them healthy. Plus, those hormones can make them feel more awake and put them in a good mood.
“How active should my rabbit be?”
Experts say bunnies must have at least 4 hours of exercise daily.
Their routine can be made up of the following:
- Running.
- Hopping.
- Jumping.
You can let your fur baby play in their run.
But if they don’t want to come out, lure them with their favorite treat.
What to do?
- Prepare small bits of snacks (e.g., dried hay-based, fresh slices of apple or watermelon).
- Hold and show a piece to your rabbit.
- Put your hand over their head.
- Let them reach for the treat and stretch their body.
You may also put snacks over a box to make your bunny move and hop.
Also, since you have a lazy bun, ensure you do this during their peak hours – dusk and dawn.
Note: Avoid giving too many snacks to your rabbit as these may upset their stomach. Limit treats to 1-2 tbsp (15-30 g) daily.
#2: Give them a bigger play area
To make your lazy rabbit active, provide more reasons for them to move around.
Give them a larger space to motivate them to roam and hop. Instead of staying inside their hutch all day.
What to do?
You can provide a bigger area for your bunny inside your house. Or set up a larger outdoor run for them.
But, ‘rabbit-proof’ the place first.
Keep away all the things they may chew inside. And
For indoors
- Lay a ceramic tile to stop them from nibbling on carpets.
- Put small socks or couch protectors to protect your furniture.
- Cover edges with high-quality shipping tape or corner guards.
- Secure electrical cords with flex tubing, garden hose, or floor channels.
For outdoors
- Make the run accessible to your rabbit 24/7.
- Always provide shade and fresh water for your bunny.
- Give them at least 10ft x 6ft x 3ft (3m x 2m x 1m) play area.
- Ensure the place is free from wire cables, chemicals, and toxic plants.
- Keep them safe from predators. (E.g., enclose all sides of their outdoor run, and cover it with 14 gauge welded wire.)
Warning: Rabbits are prone to heatstroke and can also be affected by the cold. So pay close attention to the temperature before letting them outside. Experts say the ideal temperatures range from 50-68°F (10-20°C).
#3: Provide various toys
In some cases, laziness can also be a sign of boredom.
And if your bunny keeps playing with the same set of toys every day…
They might get tired of them. Which can stop them from being active.
So, to get your bunny more energetic…
Rotate your rabbit’s toys.
Swap out half of the items per week with new ones. And so on.
Next, offer them a variety.
You can get your rabbit the following:
- Treat balls.
- Foraging mat.
- Stacking cups.
- Cat scratchers.
- Natural chew toys.
- Bunny scratchboard.
- Woven grass bed mat.
Besides these, you may also create DIY toys or use stuff you’ll see at home, such as:
- Straw balls.
- Dried pine cones.
- Empty egg crates.
- Empty toilet paper roll with hay/treats.
- Untreated straw or apple tree branches.
- Paper bags (big enough for your bunny).
- Cardboard box filled with torn-up paper (without ink).
Warning: Never leave your rabbit alone with cardboard and paper. It isn’t toxic. But your bunny can chew it and eat a large amount. Which may cause choking or blockage in their intestines.
Further reading: 9 Steps To Build A Digging Box For Your Rabbit
#4: Bring them to a new place

Some bunnies may also have gotten way too comfy with their place. As well as the habit of laziness.
Thus, to make them more curious and active…
Try taking them outside (if they’ve never been before).
Place your rabbit in a different spot in your house or yard. Anywhere that’s new to them.
Just always keep an eye on your bunny. And ensure the area’s secured from other animals and hazards.
Note: Same with toys, introduce a novel place to your rabbit every once in a while to keep them from getting bored.
#5: Have daily training sessions
Rabbits are intelligent creatures too.
So like dogs, you can teach them to solve a puzzle or come to you on command.
Training them isn’t only a great mental workout. As you’ll also exercise their body at the same time.
Things to keep in mind
#1: Start with simple tricks
Say, sitting up or jumping on your lap.
#2: Find what motivates your bunny
This can be a treat or toy. Then use it while training.
#3: Be gentle and extra patient
Treat your rabbit with love so they’ll listen well.
Never punish or yell at them. This will only make your bunny fearful of you – which will break trust and delay learning.
#4: Keep it short
Do this at least 2-3 times daily, each 5-10 minutes long.
#5: Go to a quiet area
Train your bunny in a place away from distractions (e.g., other pets, people).
#6: Reduce the treats gradually
Lessen the amount of treats you give to your rabbit.
Do this slowly, and once your rabbit responds faster. Instead of snacks, replace them with praises and gentle strokes.
If done correctly, your bunny will enjoy this activity. And they’ll look forward to the next training sessions.
Plus, they may become more active too. As doing tricks and solving puzzles gives them a sense of fulfillment.
Which will then urge your bunny to listen to you. And perform what they learned.
You might also want to know: 11 Steps To Train Your Rabbit To Use A Litter Box (How-To)
#6: Get them a furry companion
Rabbits are social animals.
So they can get sad or depressed when they’re alone most of the time.
Also, their inactivity may be due to loneliness.
Thus, if you have a single, lazy bunny at home, giving them a companion might help.
By doing this, your rabbit will have someone to play with besides you. Hence, they’ll be more active.
Plus, experts say having a bunny pal will also help relieve their anxiety. So there are many benefits for your fur baby.
But wait a minute.
Before adopting a new rabbit…
There are things you must consider first:
- Same-sex bunnies might not get along.
- Rabbits with opposite genders (male-female) are ideal.
- If you don’t want them to breed, neuter/spay 1 of the 2 bunnies.
Also, to help with compatibility…
Both rabbits must have similar ages and sizes.
Check out also: Ask A Vet: Can Two (Fe)male Rabbits Live Together?
#7: Help them have sweet dreams

Guess what. Rabbits may have sleepy days too.
Thus, ensure your bunny always gets enough rest every night. Or else it may affect their energy levels.
What to do?
- Put the lights out.
- Play with them before bedtime.
- Clean their hutch at least twice daily.
- Give them enough hay and water in the evening.
- Make them listen to soothing tunes or classical music.
- Tire them out during the daytime to avoid pent-up energy at night.
- Provide comfy bedding (e.g., soft cushion, paper pellets, pelleted straw).
- Place hiding spots in their area (e.g., rabbit tunnels, cardboard boxes with 2 holes).
- Cover 4 sides of their hutch with a breathable blanket (e.g., cotton, linen, polyester).
Read next: 23 Proven Ways To Make Your Rabbit Sleep At Night
When to be concerned about a lazy bunny?
You must be alarmed if the behavior’s new and continues for days. As well as if your rabbit doesn’t eat or drink like usual.
In this case, you may have a lethargic bunny. And it’s often a sign of stress or pain.
For this, call your vet if you notice any of the symptoms below:
- Limping.
- Trembling.
- Screaming.
- Overgrooming.
- Flattened ears.
- Rapid breathing.
- Squinting of eyes.
- Hunched posture.
- Loud teeth grinding.
- Sudden aggression.
- Hiding/escaping behavior.
- Reluctance to move at all.
- Persistent scratching around a certain body part.