Have you tried every trick in the book?
But still, your bunny seems so distant from you?
Well, although rabbits love interacting with others…
They’re usually timid at first.
So it could take some time for them to trust a person.
And if you’re in a similar dilemma, you might want to know,
“Are there effective methods to get my rabbit bond with me?”
Keep reading to find out:
- 29 proven ways to bond with your rabbits.
- How long it usually takes to bond with them.
- Things you shouldn’t do when interacting with your bunny.
- The types of training and games that you can do with them.
- And so much more…
How to bond with your rabbit?
To bond with your rabbit, you must be gentle and consistent. Avoid startling them and spend more time with them daily. Provide their needs (e.g., food, training, mental stimulation, exercise). Also, make them get used to you. Say, often talk to them in a soft voice, and lay with them on the floor.
There are many things you can do to earn your bunny’s trust.
And I’ll explain each of them thoroughly so let’s get started.
29 best ways to bond with your rabbit
#1: Get down to their level
The most effective (and also the easiest!) way to connect with your bunny is by simply spending time with them.
By doing this, they’ll get used to your scent and presence.
Then soon enough, they’ll open up to you more.
But wait…
Before you go and pick them up, remember this. Especially if you’re a new bunny parent or if you recently adopted one.
Rabbits are prey animals.
They have a strong instinct to flee and hide. So if you corner or tower over them, they’ll be frightened of you.
Also, Dr. Dana Krempels says that in the wild, they usually dig and stay under the soil.
So aside from the fact they’re small, they’ll be most comfortable on the ground.
This is why if you want to bond with your bun, get down to their level.
Lay or sit on the floor next to them. And this way, they won’t be intimidated by your height.
#2: Talk to them in a calming voice

Do you have a new bunny?
If so, they’ll likely refuse to be touched or picked up. This is because they don’t trust you yet.
But if they’re innately aloof, it must have something to do with their personality.
However, don’t worry.
Bonding doesn’t always have to involve physical contact.
To connect with your rabbit, you can speak to them instead.
But make sure that you do it in a low, soft voice. (You may even sing or hum a lullaby if you want!)
“Why’s that?”
It’s because rabbits have sensitive ears.
They’re easily startled by noises. And they can also pick up on our emotions based on our tone. (We’ll talk about this more shortly.)
So if you want to reassure them and earn their trust, you must be gentle.
Not only with your actions but also in your words.
Interesting fact: This was also proven in a study on dogs. Scientists found that canines prefer to be talked to in a dog-directed speech. It was said that the hounds spent more time with the people who talked in a calming voice. Compared to those who used their normal speaking voice.
Because of this, you may also want to try the next tip.
#3: Read to them
Did you know that like cats and dogs, rabbits can also recognize the voices of their humans?
Well, there’s no certain study that I can share with you yet.
But, many fur parents claim that their bunnies come to them upon hearing them talk.
Amazing, right?
This is why speaking to your rabbit more often is also a great way to improve your bond.
And the more you talk to them, the more they’ll remember yours.
So to achieve this, why not read to your bunny as well?
This can be a short story from a book, an article from a newspaper, or an excerpt in a poem.
Your rabbit may not understand what you’re saying. But I’m certain that they’ll be all ears.
Then if you keep doing this, they may find comfort in your voice.
And who knows…
Your bunny might also start anticipating your reading session with them.
Interesting fact: Do you have children at home? If so, this may also help them in their reading skills. Dr. Annie Petersen says that reading aloud to small animals like rabbits can help boost their confidence.
First off, they’re less intimidating than humans.
Plus, they’ll listen attentively too. And they don’t mind if you stutter or make mistakes.
While one study shows that reading to dogs has the same benefits as well.
You might also like: 13 Simple Tips To Befriend & Tame A Wild Rabbit (How-To)
#4: Involve them in your daily tasks
Speaking to your bunny will not only make them get used to your voice.
It’s also a form of attention. And since rabbits are social animals, most of them may like being talked to.
So even if your rabbit won’t reply to you, start a conversation with them once in a while.
You can do it anytime. Like when you’re washing the dishes, preparing their food, or simply chilling out on the couch.
And oh, the conversation doesn’t have to be complicated. Even a simple “How are you?” or “Are you hungry/thirsty?” will do.
“How does this help in improving bonds?”
Other people might find talking to pets silly.
But Nicholas Epley, an author, and a behavioral scientist believes the opposite.
He says that speaking to animals shows a person’s intellect. And according to him,
“It is a reflection of our brain’s greatest ability rather than a sign of our stupidity.”
So, this is a good chance to connect with your bunny.
Note: Do this every day and you’ll see. They’ll be more comfortable with you. This is because they’d feel a sense of security and belonging.
#5: Hang out quietly and let them come to you

If you’re still trying to earn your bunny’s trust, it’s best to give it some time and don’t force any interaction.
Meaning, be extra patient with your rabbit. Never attempt to touch or pick them up if they’re still anxious around you.
Instead, just sit or stay still in the room you’re both in.
Then let your bunny come near and sniff you of their own accord.
“How does this help?”
By doing this, your rabbit will soon realize that you’re no threat to them.
Also, they’ll begin to trust you more because you never did the things they hate.
Like chasing after them. As well as holding them when they don’t want to.
#6: Keep your composure
It may not look like it, but animals are more in tune with our emotions compared to other humans.
Research shows that dogs can’t only sense what another canine feels. As they could also detect human emotions.
They can tell whether we’re happy or stressed. And they do this based on the current tone of our voice and facial expressions.
Also, Marc Bekoff, a behavioral ecologist, says that other animals have empathy too. Like chickens and mice.
So it’s likely that bunnies have this ability as well.
(Some parents even claim that their rabbits sit on their lap and groom them when they feel gloomy!)
This is why if you’re nervous while interacting with your bunny, they may sense it. And they might absorb your stress and feel the same way too.
So if you’d like to have a great bonding time, always keep calm.
Take deep but slow breaths. And avoid getting frustrated if your rabbit doesn’t come near you.
#7: Provide a quiet environment for them
This is another important thing that some people might forget to do.
Remember, rabbits are sensitive to noises. (Their huge long ears aren’t there for nothing!)
Based on a study, a bunny’s hearing range is around 360 to 42,000 Hz.
While we, humans, only have 64 to 23,000 Hz.
Plus, they’re at the bottom of the food chain so they’re always alert. And this is why they get scared by sounds easily.
So if your rabbit is wary of their surroundings…
It’ll be harder to bond with them as they’ll always hide and avoid you.
“What should I do?”
- Avoid creating unnecessary noises.
- Move slowly as rapid movements may scare them.
- Find a quiet area to interact with them – away from traffic, other pets, and distractions.
#8: Entice them with small healthy treats
Have you heard of the saying,
“The way to a rabbit’s heart is through their stomach.”?
Well, there’s no denying that bunnies love grazing on food from time to time. (No scientific study is needed to prove this!)
So offering them some bits of goodies might also help you bond with them more.
But what should you feed to your rabbit?
To keep this experience as positive as possible, ensure that the treat is something they love. Or else, this will not be that effective.
However, at the same time, it must be healthy as well.
Usually, most bunnies like:
- Kale.
- Apple.
- Carrot.
- Banana.
- Spinach.
Some more reminders:
- Before serving, remove any seeds or hard parts.
- Slice them into small pieces so that they’ll be easier and safer for your bunny to eat.
- Also, rabbits have preferences too. So see which of these is their most favorite and only offer those from now on.
- Experts advise feeding these to your rabbit only once or twice a week. This is because they’re mostly high in sugar content.
How much is too much?
For rabbits, the recommended daily intake is as follows:
- For fruits: 1 tsp (4.2. g) per 2 lb (0.91 kg) of their body weight.
- For non-leafy veggies: 1 tbsp (14.3 g) per 2 lb (0.91 kg) of their body weight.
Note: If you’re a new bunny parent, here’s a list of foods you should AVOID as per specialists:
- Muesli.
- Dairy products.
- Tomato leaves.
- Potato and potato tops.
#9: Feed them by your hand

Providing your rabbit with meals every day is already a given.
But if you want to bond more with them, try hand feeding.
“Why?” you might ask.
Dr. Rolan and Susan Tripp listed down 3 benefits.
According to them, doing this will help:
Strengthen your bond: Since you’ll be more focused on your bunny during this, this is a great way to spend some quality time with them.
Lessen aggression: They’ll also become used to touching as well as your hands. And if you’re being gentle, it can reduce their anxiety too.
Build trust: Feeding them by hand will make them learn that you’re an important source of food and care. They’ll associate you with something positive. Like yummy snacks and petting.
The latter can be considered as ‘classical conditioning’
“What is it?”
It’s a kind of learning that was discovered by a physiologist, Ivan Pavlov, around the 1800s.
He accidentally found that dogs’ reactions to food change as days pass by.
At first, the canines only drool at the sight of the snacks. But later on, they began salivating upon hearing the noises of the food being delivered.
Pavlov was amazed by this and he further tested his theory.
The next thing he did was, before serving the food, he always rang a bell.
And after doing this consistently, the dogs started drooling upon hearing its sounds. Even if there’s no food at sight.
So this shows that dogs learn to associate things over time.
They know they’ll be given food every time they hear the bell. Which made them anticipate it so much to the point of drooling.
And the same also goes for rabbits.
This is why it’s a good thing if your bunny associates you with food. As they’ll become more confident and excited to approach you.
What to do?
- Sit or lay on the floor.
- Show your bunny a treat they love.
- Wait until they come and eat it.
- Be gentle and quiet as much as possible.
- Once they eat the snacks, try stroking their forehead or back of their ears.
Note: But if they don’t, try again later after a few minutes. Once your rabbit is comfortable with you, you may stop hand feeding them. Gradually reduce the treats you offer until they go to you naturally.
#10: Massage them in their ‘sweet spots’
Have you already made some progress?
If so, and your bunny is comfy enough with you, you may try giving them a nice massage.
This is a good way to bond with your rabbit. But only if they like being petted.
Some bunnies may allow you to touch and handle them. While others might strongly refuse and get frustrated.
So before you start, observe your bunny’s reactions.
If they look nervous, don’t continue.
This is because massaging them will only make them more scared of you. And they might also lash out and bite.
But if your rabbit starts demanding some, gladly do it for them.
How and where should I pet my bunny?
According to experts, the usual safe spots are their:
- Back.
- Cheeks.
- Forehead.
- Shoulders.
While the commonly restricted zones are their:
- Tail.
- Feet.
- Chin.
- Tummy.
- Back end.
This may vary per rabbit as they have different personalities.
Some more reminders
- Never stroke or pull their tail.
- Be gentle. Don’t apply too much pressure.
- Approach them over their head or their sides (not in front) to avoid startling them.
- Rabbits might be more receptive to touch after they’ve eaten. So you may try doing this after mealtime.
Note: Don’t forget to check your bunny from time to time during the massage. Some may enjoy being petted longer than 5 minutes and some might not. So watch out for their signals.
If your rabbit likes it, they may nudge, headbutt, or lick you when you stop.
However, the first 2 actions could also mean the opposite. And they might be telling you to stop. So look for other cues they’re sending as well.
#11: Invite them to a game of ‘ball roll’
Bunnies might look small and fragile. But oh, they’re lively and full of energy.
So if you’re thinking about how can you have more fun with your rabbit…
The best way is to play with them.
There are many games you can do together. But let’s start with an easy one.
It’s called ‘ball roll.’
All you have to do is:
- Grab their favorite toy ball.
- Sit a few inches away from your bunny.
- Get their attention by rolling the ball back and forth using both of your hands.
- If you got their interest, slowly roll the ball towards them.
Bunnies love nudging things.
So it’s a success if your rabbit slightly pushes the ball. And to encourage them to play more, gently roll it again towards them.
“When and how long should I play with my rabbit?”
Research says that bunnies are neither nocturnal or diurnal. As they’re considered ‘crepuscular.’
“What does it mean?”
It means that they’re most active during sunset and sunrise.
So they usually sleep deeply during the day for about 6 to 8 hours.
This is why if you’d like to play with them longer, you may do it around the hours that I stated above.
Also, keep each play session short – at least 10 to 20 minutes a day are enough. And ensure to provide breaks in between.
Note: Don’t be disheartened if your bunny doesn’t budge at all. This is normal in the beginning. Some rabbits even take days before they get the game. So again, be patient with your fur baby. 🙂
#12: Play reverse fetch
If you’re familiar with the game of fetch in dogs, this is the opposite version of it.
What I mean is you’ll be exchanging roles with your rabbit.
You’ll be the one who will pick up the ball instead and put it back in place.
Then your bunny will be the one who’ll toss it to you.
Because as I said before, rabbits love pushing things.
So your bunny will surely enjoy this simple game of fetch. Only that you might be the one who’ll get more tired at the end.
#13: Make them join you in a tug of war
Every bunny loves chewing on things.
It’s an instinct and they also do it to keep their teeth short and healthy.
This is why your rabbit might also enjoy a game of tug of war.
“How is it done?”
- Get a piece of cardboard that your bunny likes to nibble. (It shouldn’t be too small because you and your rabbit will tug this later.)
- Let them bite the other end while you’re firmly holding the other side.
- Now, gently pull it away from them. (Do this lightly to not hurt your rabbit’s teeth.)
- Then, allow them to grab the cardboard towards their side.
- Repeat and do this back and forth like the usual game.
Warning: If you want to give your bunny some cardboards to chew, make sure that they’re plain and thin. Also, supervise them and don’t leave them unattended. This is because cardboards also pose some risks to rabbits.
If you want to know more, read this article: Can Rabbits Eat Cardboard? 3 Dangers, 5 Reasons & 3 Tips
#14: Tease them with a treat
Bunnies will not say no to food. (Unless they feel unwell or full.)
So if you’d like to bond with them, try holding out a small piece of snack. Say, an apple or carrot.
Grab their attention and let them have a few bites. Then take some as well.
Rabbits also enjoy stealing stuff. So this will look like you’re competing with each other on whoever finishes the food first.
Note: Don’t give too much treat to your bunny as this may upset their tummy. So if they already had enough, stop the game and keep the snack away from them.
#15: Give them blankies

If you observe your rabbit, you’ll learn that they love picking up things and hiding inside.
So to further stimulate your bunny and connect with them…
Try handing them a soft blanket.
Put it down on the floor. Then let them nudge and organize it the way they want.
You can also throw it over them. Or allow them to get inside it.
Rabbits love using their brains. So they’ll be excited to find their way out of the blanket.
You might also want to know: Why do rabbits move their bedding?
#16: Let them find some hidden treasures
Experts say that a rabbits’ nose has millions of smell receptors.
These allow them to sniff odors that we, humans, can’t perceive.
And they mainly use this ability to look for food. As well as to detect any predators around.
So, making them find hidden treats is also a game that they’ll like.
What to do?
- Put a small treat inside one of your hands.
- Let your rabbit sniff both of them (to look for the snack).
- If they nudge one of your hands, open it.
- If they found the one with a snack, quickly give it to them. If not, let them guess again.
Note: But if your rabbit tends to bite your hands, switch to stack cups instead.
You may also wonder: Fact Check: Can A Rabbit Bite Your Finger Off? 15 Vital Tips
#17: Play a game of tag with them
I said earlier that rabbits don’t like being chased.
It’s true for most bunnies. So don’t seriously run after your rabbit like a predator. As this will scare the hell out of them.
Also, before you do this, observe your bunny’s reaction. And see if they’re up for some game of tag.
Signs that your rabbit is being playful are:
- Twitching ears and tail.
- Nudges you and runs away excitedly.
What to do?
If your bunny’s feeling cheeky, they might come to you and touch you with their nose.
So once they run away, act like you’re about to follow them.
Then if it seems like they’re waiting for you to do it, do so. But make sure that you’ll tag them in a way that’s not scary for them.
This means, walk slowly and avoid cornering or towering over them.
#18: Provide them with fun toys
Sometimes, simply playing with your rabbit isn’t enough.
They’re clever and energetic. So they’re always up to adventures. And their usual toys might not give them enough stimulation.
“What can I give to my bunny instead?”
Check out this puzzle toy. Wherein you can hide some pellets or treats inside. Then let your rabbit sniff and find them.
This tests their thinking abilities and it also prevents them from getting bored.
So your bunny will appreciate it. And this may earn you some bonus points to their heart!
Other safe and interesting toys for rabbits are:
- Sand boxes.
- Plain toilet paper rolls with hay inside.
- Untreated twigs (e.g., willow, apple, pear).
- Sturdy and non-toxic baby toys like rattles.
#19: Interact with them in a large neutral area
Experts say that rabbits are highly territorial.
This is why if they feel that their space is invaded, they won’t hesitate to defend themselves.
They’ll become aggressive. And you surely don’t want this to happen when you interact with them.
So, what do you need to do?
Pick an area that’s huge enough for the two of you.
A room where you can sit on the floor with your bunny. But still spacious for them to run freely and hide.
Also, choose a neutral spot and set up an enclosure there.
By doing this, you’ll lessen their territorial instincts. This is because the place is new to them.
And this may help you bond with them more.
Note: It’s normal for rabbits to hide when they feel insecure. So avoid getting frustrated if they conceal themselves in the first few days. Like I said earlier, be patient and allow them to come to you on their own.
#20: Allow them to move around

Rabbits need a huge area to stretch their muscles and hop as much as they want.
So, it’s also important for them to be let out of their hutch at times. Or else, you’ll see them digging their cage.
As a sign that they’re bored and want to go outside.
This is also a chance to hang out with your rabbit. So, join them in their enclosure and sit quietly as you observe them.
Note: Only do this when they’re already trained enough. And if you’ve bunny-proofed your home.
Reading tip: 23 Tips To Stop A Rabbit From Chewing Everything (How-To)
#21: Handle them less
Rabbits are so adorable and fluffy.
So I’m sure most of us will not be able to resist picking and cuddling them up.
But, keep in mind that they’ll not enjoy being handled at first. (And others may still refuse it after so many tries.)
“Why’s that?”
It’s because rabbits are prey animals. Plus, they’re small and usually stay on land.
This is why being held high from the ground can stress them out.
Based on research, moving them to different cages is already stressful for them.
While other small species like rodents experience hyperthermia for more than an hour. Or having an abnormally high body temperature.
It puts them in a vulnerable state since they can’t move freely. And it’s like an equivalent to being trapped.
So if your bunny seems nervous when you pick them up, never try to do this again. Until they’re comfortable enough.
Or you can just lessen the times that you handle them in a day. And do the other things you can do to bond with them without picking them up.
#22: Hold them properly
But, there could also be some bunnies who were already used to being held.
And if your rabbit is like them, you still have to make sure that you’re doing it right.
Bunnies are small and have fragile bones.
This is why they’re prone to injuries. Especially if they panic in your arms.
So to prevent it from happening and to make your bonding time a good experience…
Carry them properly.
Because of this, I remember a study that I stumbled on before.
It’s an online survey of 2,644 rabbit parents.
They were asked how they usually carry their fur babies.
And the results?
The most used method was carrying a rabbit close to the chest.
Aside from the fact that it’s easy to do, it’s also said to be the most friendly one.
How to do it?
- Hold your rabbit firmly. Just enough to avoid them from falling over. And not too tight as if you’re squeezing them.
- Bring them close to your body. This is to make them feel more secure as you slowly lift them up.
- Put your one hand on their chest. This is for support. And make sure that your fingers are under their armpits. Then…
- Place your other arm to support their hind legs and back. Do this to prevent fractures as they may panic and hop.
On the other hand, the least used method was holding a bunny by the scruff.
And it should be, as it’s cruel and it only brings pain and stress to rabbits. Same with carrying them by the ears.
#23: Have a regular feeding routine
Giving your bunny food while also talking to them is already considered as ‘bonding time.’
But, it’ll be even better if it’s done according to a schedule.
“What do you mean?”
Experts say that the common causes of stress in rabbits are:
- Fear.
- Novel things.
- Social stress.
- Lack of food and water.
- Not being able to act like they used to.
So bunnies don’t do well if their days are unpredictable. Say, they don’t know when they’ll be fed or exercised.
Or if their place suddenly changed or there’s a new member of the family.
Even more so if there’s uncertainty in their feeding schedule. This is because food is one of our basic needs.
As a result, they might get stressed and worry too much which can lead to anxiety.
And to have a strong bond, you must also keep your bunny mentally healthy.
So to prevent this, feed your rabbit around the same time every day. To make them feel at ease and anticipate you as well.
#24: Train them daily
Same with other animals, rabbits can also learn some cool tricks.
In fact, they could be litter trained too, like cats.
And in this sense, they might be a better choice over dogs for some aspiring fur parents.
But, keep in mind that the tricks aren’t the best benefits of training.
“What is it then?”
It’s the bond and quality time you’ve spent together with your bunny.
Think about it.
During training, you’re teaching your rabbit to do something. And if they did it, they’ll receive a reward.
So if this continues, your bunny will learn to trust you. Believing that you’ll give them a delicious snack or a pat in the head when they do well.
This will make them feel safe and more excited to see you. Plus, it’s also a win-win situation.
It’s because along the way, you’ll also learn more about your rabbit’s body language. As well as their personality.
What to do?
Always use positive reinforcement when training your rabbit.
This means, reward them every time they do something good. And never punish them for not obeying you.
For example, if you want your bunny to pee in their litter box, put or lead them to it when they’re about to take a leak.
Then always reward them if they urinate in the right spot.
By doing this, they’ll realize that they have to pee only in that area to receive something good.
“How long should I train my bunny?”
The House Rabbit Society says that bunnies need at least 30 minutes of daily training.
Make each session short and disperse it throughout the day.
Note: But again, don’t make your rabbit dependent on treats. So if you see that they’re responding fast to your cues, slowly cut the snacks. Until all they need is a verbal command.
#25: Consider clicker training
Experts say that using this tool can help you train your bunny to do almost anything they’re capable of.
It’s called a ‘clicker.’
And this is usually used by trainers so I’m sure you have seen this already.
But you might think,
“How does it help in training? And are there differences from the traditional one?”
As its name suggests, a clicker produces a clicking sound.
It’s so distinct that any animal will remember it so easily.
This is why trainers prefer to use it more than verbal cues or praises. As these can sound different depending on the situation and confuse an animal.
How do you clicker train a rabbit?
So, the concept of this is that every time your rabbit did what you asked them to do, you’re going to push the clicker.
Then give them a treat immediately. To motivate them to do it again and to let them know that what they did is acceptable.
But to perform this, you need to have a clicker first.
If you don’t have one, you can use a retractable pen. Or create the clicking sound using your mouth. (Although using the tool will be much more effective.)
Second, prepare small treats as a reward.
And lastly, a target stick like this one.
You may buy it online. Or you can do it yourself at home like in this video:
#26: Enroll them in agility training
Again, rabbits are smart animals.
They love adventures. And with their strong hind legs, they can jump high too.
So to put these talents to use, also consider enrolling your bunny in agility training.
“What is it?”
RSPCA says that it’s also known as ‘show-jumping.’
Rabbits will learn how to hop over hurdles and go through tunnels. As well as to solve some obstacles.
And these will all be done with their parents by their side.
So aside from the physical and mental stimulation that your bunny will get…
This could also improve your bond. As you’ll learn how to communicate better with them.
And doing things together will make your rabbit even more comfortable with you as well.
Are all rabbits qualified to do this?
Sadly, no.
This is why you should ask for your vet’s approval first. To see if your bunny’s age and condition are suited to it.
Usually, those who are allowed to do this are:
- Alert.
- In good health.
- At least 6 months old.
- Leash/harness-trained.
- Spayed or neutered for at least a month.
Note: Before enrolling your bunny, they should undergo obedience training first. Agility requires more complicated cues. So doing it will ensure that they’ll respond to commands well.
#27: Learn their body language
If you want to connect with your rabbit, you also need to understand them well.
They don’t have the ability to talk and tell us what they feel.
But, they’ll express it using their body. And it’ll be different for every emotion.
For example, experts say that you’ll be able to tell how your bunny feels based on the signs listed below.
Upset bunny
- Growling.
- Raised tail.
- Pointed ears.
- Turning away.
- Dilated pupils.
- Exposed teeth.
- Tense facial muscles.
- Stomping of back legs.
- Sitting with raised paws.
Worried bunny
- Hiding behavior.
- Crouched position.
- Head close to the ground.
- Flattened ears and wide apart.
Happy bunny
- Relaxed position.
- Slightly closed eyes.
- Jumping in all fours in the air.
- Extended body (with paws and legs stretched out).
What to do?
To do this on your rabbit, you have to observe them for a day or two.
Take note of their actions and the sounds they emit. And keep those signs in mind while monitoring them.
By doing this, you’ll know whether they enjoy your company or not. Then you’ll be able to adjust accordingly.
Reading recommendation: What do rabbits do when they are scared? & What do rabbits do when they are stressed?
#28: Take time to figure out their personality
Not all rabbits are the same.
Just like us, each of them has their own characteristics.
Some can be naturally aloof or scared. While others might be more social or aggressive.
So knowing your bunny’s unique traits will help you determine the right way to approach them.
Whether they prefer to be left alone or not. Or if you need to be gentler when interacting with them to avoid them from getting scared.
#29: Accept and reciprocate their love

How do rabbits show affection?
They can do a lot of unusual things. Say, clicking their teeth, binkying, or circling around a person’s feet.
Some bunnies also groom their humans. Like how rabbits lick each other as a sign of affection.
So you could think of it as their version of kisses.
This is why if your rabbit starts doing any of these, gladly accept their love.
Then repay it with a relaxing forehead massage. As well as some warm kisses (if your bunny allows!).
How long does it take to bond with your rabbit?
It may take months or years for you to fully bond with your rabbit. So don’t expect that it’ll happen overnight or after a few weeks. And this will depend on your efforts and bunny’s personality.
Every rabbit is unique. So the same effort given to a certain bunny might not be enough for some. And vice versa.
For example, other rabbits took 2 to 3 years before they allow their parents to pick and cuddle them up. While some bunnies did it only after 2 to 3 months.
Also, if you have an older bunny, it’s never too late to bond with them. Just do the things I listed above and be consistent.
So if you feel like you’re not making any progress, think twice.
If you stop now, all your efforts will go to waste.
Instead, trust the process. And I’m sure that your rabbit will repay all the love you gave and even double it!