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21 Human Foods Rabbits Can Eat Safely (Updated 2023)

Can Rabbits Eat Human Food

At the sound of a bag of chips opening, your rabbit may dash towards you.

Then stare at you with begging eyes.

Are you going to hand them a piece?

As much as you want to share, the digestive system of this species is different.

This makes a lot of rabbit parents ask,

“Are human foods okay for rabbits?”

Continue reading to find out: 

  • Why carrots aren’t staple food for rabbits.
  • 21 human foods your rabbit can safely eat.
  • How much oats you should give to your rabbit.
  • And much, much more…

Can rabbits eat human food?

Rabbits can eat human food such as fruits and vegetables. These include blueberries, bananas, asparagus, and arugula. All of which provide certain nutrients that are safe for your rabbit. They are only supplementary, though, and shouldn’t replace hay, pellets, and water.

21 human foods rabbits can eat safely

#1: Bell pepper

Bell peppers are sweet, not intense, and healthy-tasting. These qualities sure will please a rabbit’s picky taste buds.

There are green, yellow, and red bell peppers available.

“Are they all edible?”


But make sure the seeds and the stalk are gone.

Though they are not dangerous, these parts don’t have any nutritional value.

To add, some rabbits won’t be able to digest them properly.

The result?

Blockage and other problems. In most cases, issues resulting from this aren’t life-threatening but try not to take any chances.

Note: Wash all vegetables and fruits before feeding them to your rabbit. This ensures that the skin is chemical-free.

#2: Oats

Want to have a matching breakfast with your bunny?

Then add at least a teaspoon of oatmeal on top of the timothy grass diet of your rabbit. 

Observe how fast they gobble down the rare treat.

Rabbits who are underweight can have a larger amount depending on what the vet requires.

The usual tell-tale signs are:

  • Lethargy.
  • Poor coat quality.
  • Prominent backbone and ribs when touched.

But, if your furry friend is at his healthy proportions, hold yourself back from indulging him. 

PETA suggests not feeding rabbits high amounts of oatmeal. After all, this isn’t a good substitute for timothy hay and other dark, leafy greens.

If you can’t help it, only give high-grade oats– the ones with high fiber content for a healthier digestive system.

#3: Banana

Rabbits Can Eat Bananas Safely

Well, it seems that monkeys aren’t the only ones who go gaga over bananas. 

Rabbits can gaze lovingly at a slice of it, and it’s hard to ignore.

In fact, bunny parents would share how their rabbits would steal a piece to fulfill their cravings.

They do love the flavor, the texture, and the smell. However, bear in mind that bananas must be served only as a treat, though.

Bananas are high in sugar content as they’re fruits.

Though your rabbit would want more, it’s best to keep things in moderation.

One thing to consider about bananas, too, is that they’re good for your rabbit.

Joerg Mayer says that foods such as a banana can lower the risk of having diseases.

#4: Apple

Another fruit found on the table is the apple.

It’s rich in antioxidants, fiber, and B-complex vitamins that help your rabbit’s wellbeing.

Lacking these nutrients can lead to physical issues.

“How much should I give to my rabbit?”

At least 1 to 2 small slices or chunks of apples are enough. After all, this is a fruit, and it’s pretty high in sugar.

A medium-sized apple contains 0.6 oz (19 g) of sugar.

It’s acidic as well, making large amounts of it unsuitable for such a delicate rabbit.

Some rabbit parents tend to peel the skin of their apples before eating them. I advise you to keep it for your rabbit, though, for nutritional advantages. 

So, keep the peeler away and remove the seeds and the stalk only. 

#5: Asparagus

You may think, “What does asparagus offer?”

Aside from the rich fiber and water content…

This vegetable also provides the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E.
  • And vitamin K.

It’s low in calories which is good news for rabbit parents who strive to keep their rabbits’ healthy weight.

You can cycle this human food to keep your rabbit interested in taking these treats.

“Can baby bunnies consume asparagus too?”

If the bunny is over 12 months then that lights a green signal. Check with your vet and find out when it’s safe to add this human food to their diet.

#6: Blueberries

Referred to as the king of antioxidants, blueberries can delay the rapid surge of free radicals in a body.

When this happens, your rabbit won’t experience fast aging. Plus, they’ll most likely not be prone to illnesses.

Despite being small and bite-sized, this fruit has packed nutrition.

1 or 2 pieces are enough, as blueberries are treats only. It’s a guilty pleasure your rabbit can have every once in a while.

Remove the seeds, too, as rabbits have a hard time digesting them.

#7: Kale

Kale shouldn’t be only in your salad.

In fact, this dark, leafy veggie is an enjoyable snack that’s good for your rabbit companion.

Often thought to be high in oxalic acid, WebMD states that kale is actually a low-oxalate food.

Dangers may only arise if you always add this to your rabbit’s food bowl. Daily and high amounts of kale consumption can be problematic.

Like the rest of the treats listed here, control the amount of kale you give.

“What if my rabbit doesn’t like kale?”

Well, you can’t force them to eat it.

After all, rabbits are different. You can opt for other alternatives, which I’ll be mentioning in a bit. 

#8: Pineapple

Rabbits have delicate and sensitive stomachs, which is why it’s always a must to plan out their diets and meals. 

Pineapple is another human food you can use as a rabbit treat.

Why? It has loads of vitamins such as A, C, and K. 

The other properties help fight off diseases and improve digestive health.

It sure is a new delightful present you can give to your rabbit. As the acidity provides a new sensation in his mouth.

Of course, taking note of that, provide them a small slice only.

This’ll help protect his teeth from immense damage as well as keep the sugar level down. 

#9: Broccoli leaves

Kids may frown at the sight of broccoli even if it’s placed on their favorite plate.

But, it’s never the case with a nibbler such as a rabbit. The difference, though, is that rabbits can only eat the leaves. 

It’s no surprise why this famous vegetable that’s comically unpopular with kids is here.

As per the, broccoli leaves are rich in the following:

  • Iron.
  • Calcium.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin B6.

This is the perfect second option should you see your rabbit’s face turning sour at the sight of kale.

Broccoli leaves are tastier, better in flavor, and low in calories. 

#10: Cilantro


Cilantro is a safe herb your rabbit can enjoy.

It has a strong flavor, mind you. So watch out if your fluffy friend actually likes it. 

Vitamins A and C and antioxidants are present. But they shouldn’t replace the main diet of the rabbit. 

“How about the stems?”

Well, include those as well.

Make sure they won’t end up causing choking hazards to your rabbit. 

#11: Celery

If you feed your rabbit celery, make sure it’s not cooked.

Rabbits only have a system for fresh and raw foods.

Celery is a good human food choice as long as it’s about half a stick only. Anything more than that can be unhealthy. 

It has the fiber and vitamins a rabbit may need, so keep a fresh stock at home or grow an area in your garden.

But, due to its high water content, a rabbit may be at risk of having diarrhea. Always be mindful of how much you give him.

#12: Carrots

Cartoon movies have long made us think that the food staple of a rabbit is a carrot!

Only when you become a rabbit parent would you realize it’s not actually the case at all.

Though carrots are not particularly unsafe, too many of them can be a cause of concern.

A few chunks or slices in a week should suffice your rabbit’s desire for a snack such as this one.

“Can I include carrot tops?”

Yes, you can. These greens are too valuable as they have vitamins, and dietary fiber, so include them.

#13: Spinach

It isn’t just Popeye who has taken a liking to spinach.

Countless rabbits can end up loving this treat. 

Spinach, as a leafy vegetable, has loads of nutrients too, and rabbits can eat this once or twice weekly.

Caution: Although rabbits can eat this human food, spinach is a high-oxalate vegetable. Too much of it can cause kidney stones. So, put a limit on its amount.

Read next: Can Rabbits Eat Cardboard? 3 Dangers, 5 Reasons & 3 Tips

#14: Arugula

Arugula is another human food you can feed to your rabbit. 

It has high properties that help fight off cancer, as seen in the results of a 2017 research. As you know, rabbits can be at risk of developing cancer.

Along with it, your rabbit can dodge certain diseases too.

What you should know about arugula is it has a good amount of vitamin C, K, and calcium.

Add this in small amounts only as too many nutrients can cause a plethora of health problems.

Learn more about how arugula can be served with other vegetables by watching this video:

#15: Endives

Endives are tasty vegetable treats that shouldn’t be just found on human plates. So let your bunny have a taste.

Prepare as your rabbit rushes to you to snack on this beta-carotene-rich food.

You can cut this into smaller, bite-sized pieces. To ease the chewing experience for your adorable rabbit.

If you’re thinking about feeding this to a baby bunny, wait until he’s about 12 weeks old. This is to avoid unnecessary vet trips due to stomach issues. 

#16: Basil 

Basil is a popular herb known for its strong scent and anti-inflammatory properties.

Around 1 to 2 stems of clean, fresh basil with leaves can satisfy your four-legged nibbler. 

Basil is loaded with nutrients like:

  • Calcium.
  • Vitamin K.
  • Riboflavin.

All these are essential for your rabbit’s bones and growth.

Reminder: This, along with the other human food, has to be rotated so he can also get nutrients from other sources.

#17: Thyme

Another herb you can take advantage of is thyme. It’s best if the ones you feed are young and fresh. However, dried ones will do.

Who knows, your rabbit might fall in love with the scent it emits.

And this can even remedy any digestive issues, especially diarrhea.

Although this is medicinal, thyme still shouldn’t take up the majority of your rabbit’s diet.

It’s only provided so your rabbit can have another source of his needed nutrients.

#18: Lemon balm

Lemon balm can be found in the mint family, and it is a herb with many uses.

Concerned about your new rabbit stressing with his new environment?

This herb will help calm him down.

What’s more, is that he’ll have a good sleep. He’ll also have high cognitive capacity and be more observant of his surroundings.

In case these instances occur, it’s perfect if you have a plant like this one nearby.

#19: Dill

“Which part of the dill should my rabbit munch on?”

There’s no wasting when it comes to this herb as he can munch on these parts:

  • Stems.
  • Leaves.
  • Flowers.

Like the other herbs, dill is a good source of nutrients. So feel free to pair it with commercial rabbit pellets and hay.

We’re talking about riboflavin, vitamins, manganese, calcium, iron, zinc, and more.

The next time you add dill to your salad, don’t forget to leave some for your rabbit.

Reading tip: Can Rabbits Eat Paper? 3 Dangers, 4 Reasons, & 5 Tips

#20: Bok Choy

Bok Choy isn’t only excellent ramen topping for all the noodle-lovers out there. Buy a separate bundle for your rabbit, as this can be a delectable snack as well.

This is another alternative that’s dietary fiber-rich and generous in vitamins. 

Bok choy can only be given to older rabbits of about 6 months. 

Never leave a whole bunch in a rabbit’s cage to avoid over-dosage. And, make sure that it’s washed well. Bok choy in supermarkets can have traces of chemicals, after all. 

#21: Cucumber

Oops, before you throw away that extra cucumber for your eyes…

Don’t forget that your rabbit can enjoy that.

It’s a perfect new treat a rabbit can chew on, especially during hot, humid days.

Since it’s 95% made up of water, rabbits can stay hydrated thanks to this cucumber that also acts as an antioxidant.

From experience, though, some rabbits may tend to ignore a cucumber because of its taste.

There’s no need to force your rabbit to finish up the day’s snack. This is because you’ll never run out of human food options.