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(1) Can Rabbits Eat Celery? 7 Health Benefits & Dangers

Can Rabbits Eat Celery

Celeries are a kitchen staple.

And a great source of nutrients for your bunnies, too.

But the real question is…

“How much is too much?”

Especially for your furry friends.

Read on to learn more:

  • 5 risks of feeding your bunnies with celery.
  • 7 amazing benefits of celery for your rabbit’s health.
  • Life-saving tips when your rabbit is choking on celery.
  • Interesting parts of the celery plant that are bunny-friendly.
  • And so much more…

Can rabbits eat celery?

Rabbits can eat celery. It contains fiber, lots of vitamins, and minerals. However, too much celery intake at once may give them an upset tummy. Feed your bunnies in bite-sized portions 1-2 times a week only.

Rabbit eating celery – 7 benefits

#1: Helps prevent rickets 

Rickets is a common skeletal disorder in dogs and rats.

However, a study shows that rabbits are also prone to this infection.

Especially pregnant does (female rabbits).

Possible causes of rickets include:

  • Vitamin D insufficiency.
  • Insufficient amount of dietary phosphorus or calcium.
  • Inappropriate dosage of phosphorus and/or calcium in their diet.

Interestingly, celeries are a source of calcium and phosphorus.

These two minerals are vital in your bunny’s bone development.

Celeries help prevent baby rabbits from developing bone defects.

Moreover, you may add celery slices to your bunny’s plate in small quantities once or twice a week.

#2: Essential for your bunny’s growth 

Celery contains thiamine or vitamin B1.

Thiamine is a vitamin B complex that targets fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Or the conversion of food into energy in the body.

“So, what does thiamine do?”

Thiamine prevents your rabbits from muscle paralysis (inability to move).

In some cases, loss of appetite.

According to a study, the presence of thiamine in rabbit diet helps ensure growth.

However, thiamine intake only requires a limited dosage.

Reason: Your rabbit’s hindgut produces vitamin B complex in digesting cecotropes.

Or the soft poop that your bunnies eat for nutrient absorption.

#3: Helps regulate teeth growth

Did you know that your bunny’s teeth grow every day?


Their teeth can grow up to 0.07-0.09 in (2-2.4 mm) every week.

While it’s fascinating to know…

Overgrown teeth may harm your bunnies in the long run.

Malocclusion occurs when their upper and lower front teeth meet.

But in the wrong direction.

When this happens, it may stop your rabbits from being able to eat properly.

It’ll also cause mouth injuries in their cheeks, tongue, and gums.

“How can I stop this problem from happening?”

Coarse, fiber-rich plants like celery stalks help their teeth grind.

They’ll chew on it a lot more and with a little pressure.

Hence, preventing their teeth from overgrowing.

But be sure to slice your celery first to prevent your bunnies from choking.

#4: Contains vitamin K 

Vitamin K in celery helps prevent blood clots and their complications, such as:

  • Miscarriages.
  • Prolonged bleeding in minor injuries.
  • Placenta hemorrhage or placenta separation during pregnancy.

Vitamin K also helps in bone metabolism and atherosclerosis.

Or artery blockage.

Interestingly, your bunny can already produce vitamin K in their body upon digestion.

Thus, they’re not prone to vitamin K deficiencies.

And only need minimal amounts of this vitamin in their food.

#5: Vitamin C supplement

Celery Provides Vitamin C Supplement

Vitamin C is already processed in your rabbit’s liver.

As a result, they may no longer need their daily dose of it.

Except for some conditions affecting vitamin C production, such as:

  • Stress.
  • Illnesses.
  • Warm temperatures.
  • Weaning or separation from the mother rabbit.

Furthermore, feeding them some celery bites may supplement their body’s lack of vitamin C.

You may give your bunnies an inch (25 mm) of celery slices occasionally.

#6: Helps maintain good eye health

Your rabbits have sharp senses.

Especially their sense of smell and night vision.

You may also notice them sniffing and standing when they’re outside.

As prey animals, this is essential for their survival.

They need to be alert for predators in their surroundings all the time.

For your bunnies at home, you can support their eyesight with vitamin A.

And luckily, you can get this from celery. 

Intriguing rabbit behaviors: 23 Reasons Why Rabbits Thump Their Feet (At Night) + 7 Tips

#7: Helps reduce injury bleeding

Celeries are another source of folate.

It is a natural form of vitamin B9.

It’s present in many foods, such as beans and dark leafy vegetables.

According to a study, folate has therapeutic effects in rabbits.

Especially rabbits with DVT or deep venous thrombosis.

DVT occurs when there’s a buildup of blood in the deep veins.

If left untreated, DVT can be lethal to your bunnies.

Furthermore, folate and vitamin B12 show great results in the following:

  • Flow properties in the blood.
  • Formation of blood in deep veins.
  • Blood clotting or bleeding reduction.

Rabbit eating celery – 5 dangers

#1: Contains oxalic acid

Oxalates or oxalic acid are more present in most plants than in meat.

They prevent nutrient absorption in rabbits.

Especially calcium.

Moreover, oxalate intake binds with calcium in the body.

Normally, small crystals are released through their urine.

But, too much crystal buildup in your bunny’s bladder causes kidney stones.

Unfortunately, celeries contain both calcium and oxalic acid.

If your bunnies have kidney or urinary problems…

It’s best to avoid feeding them with celery.

#2: Triggers behavioral issues

You might think: 

“Is celery that bad?”

Well, not to that extent.

But it boils down to a combination of a low-fiber and high-carbohydrate diet.

Naturally, rabbits chew a lot.

It’s not that they’re always hungry.

They’re born that way.

And if you’re replacing their main diet with quick meals like celery…

They won’t be able to reach the point of satiety or fullness.

Especially in their stomach.

And this is only possible with a plate of high-fiber goodies.

As a result, bunnies may develop behavioral problems, such as:

  • Aggression.
  • Overgrooming.

#3: Causes obesity

Celeries contain 0.10 oz (2.97 g) of carbohydrates in a serving of 3.5 oz (100 g).

It doesn’t sound much.

But, it’s vital to know how little amounts can pose so much harm.

Sometimes, you think you’re giving them the right diet.

Unfortunately, according to PetMD, even pellets contain too many carbohydrates.

As a result, feeding them pellets and celery isn’t the ideal combo.

And if paired with other sugary treats, there’s a high chance your bunnies will develop obesity.

#4: Insufficient fiber content

You might have read about this a lot.

But as a rabbit parent, knowing how their tummy works freaks you out.

Especially when you think of adding new treats to their diet.

And your bunnies not getting enough fiber is always the one to blame.

According to USDA, celery contains 0.05 oz (1.6 g) of fiber in a 3.5 oz (100 g) serving.

Meanwhile, rabbits need at least 0.88 oz (25 g) of high fiber per 35 oz (1 kg) of their body weight.

However, feeding them entirely with celery won’t solve the problem.

It’s because celery is made up of 3.35 oz (95 g) water.

This may sound hydrating enough.

But always remember.

Grass hay should come first.

#5: At least 95% of celery contains pesticide residue

Ranking at the 11th spot, celery makes it to EWG’s Dirty Dozen list.

This plant doesn’t only carry 1 type of chemical in them.

But some samples show containing as many as 13 different types!

Chlorothalonil is the most widely used pesticide in growing celery.

This isn’t as hazardous as other chemicals.

But, the frequency of chemical intake through celeries is what’s alarming.

Especially for tiny furry friends like rabbits.

BONUS: Potential choking hazard

Celery stalks (or sticks) may have that crunch factor that your bunny likes.

But be cautious when giving your bunnies one.

Celeries have fibrous strings in their stem’s outmost layer.

This layer is made up of thick collenchyma tissue that keeps them growing upright.

This may be difficult to chew on.

Or might get stuck in your rabbit’s teeth.

Tip: As a prevention, always cut celery sticks into bite-sized pieces.

Life-saving tips when your rabbit is choking on celery

Rabbits aren’t capable of vomiting.

And if worse situations in your bunnies happen…

Stay calm. 

These tips may help.

“How will I know if my rabbit is choking?”

Pay attention to the following signs of choking in rabbits:

  • Panicking behavior.
  • Lips and nose turn blue.
  • Moves head up and down.
  • Some bunnies might scream.
  • Fluid comes out from their nose and mouth.
  • Making inaudible sounds like gurgling or hissing.
  • Struggles to breathe or does open-mouth breathing.

Don’t hesitate to go to your vet immediately when you notice these choking symptoms.

Meanwhile, some preventive measures may also help save your bunnies.

You may refer to this video for the Heimlich maneuver for choking rabbits:


Can rabbits eat celery sticks?

Rabbits can eat celery sticks. They’re a good source of vitamins and minerals for your bunny’s growth. But be sure to feed them raw ones. Their digestive tract won’t be able to process it properly if it’s cooked.

Can rabbits eat celery leaves?

Celery leaves are safe for your rabbits to eat. They’re rich in fiber and contain vitamins such as vitamin C and E. Celery leaves are safer for your bunnies to chew on than the stalks.

Can wild rabbits eat celery?

Wild rabbits may eat celery while foraging. However, celeries grow in swampy areas while wild rabbits prefer hilly terrains. But as plant-eating animals, they’ll still munch on some greens when they’re out in the field.

Can rabbits eat celery every day?

Feed your rabbits celery bites occasionally. As a general rule, your bunnies should get 80-90% hay in their diet. So, be sure to feed them with lots of hay first before giving them celery treats.

Can baby rabbits eat celery?

Baby rabbits shouldn’t eat celery or any vegetables. Their primary source of nutrition should come from their mother’s milk. You may feed them celery once they’re 12 weeks older.

Can rabbits eat celery root?

Rabbits can eat celery roots. However, its starch content may mess up the good bacteria in their gut. This could lead to tummy problems like diarrhea and bloating.